Thanks to our FABULOUS PTO, we will be attending a PBIS Assembly tomorrow:  "Stronger Than a Bully," presented by Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.
Click HERE or on the picture to the left to go to the Mobile Ed Productions, Inc. website to learn more.
Read below for more information on the presentation.
Stronger Than A Bully features extensive use of two acronyms designed to push important points aimed at helping students avoid becoming the victim of a bully.

The first of these is S.M.I.L.E. which stands for: Stay cool, Make eye contact (take a positive posture),Identify the attack (verbal, physical, extorting, cyber, etc), Lead positive conversation, Erase the attack. These represent the actions for the person being bullied.

The second acronym explains the actions a bystander should take. H.E.R.O. or -  Help out (get involved), Empathize (identify with the victim), Respond with proper action andReport the incident. Open communication (talk about it with the victim).

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